Monday 2 April 2012

Stellar Evolution

If the Sun is essentially an electrical phenomenon, as seems to be the case, and it is also a fairly typical star, then all stars should exhibit properties that are consistent with the Electric Sun (ES) model. Do they? Let us extrapolate the ES model and compare it to what we have observed about stars. In 1911 Ejnar Hertzspung constructed a plot of the absolute brightness vs. spectral class (temperature) of the stars whose distances we could then accurately measure by the parallax method.  In 1913 Henry Norris Russell independently repeated this exercise.  This plot is therefore named the  Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram, and is one of the first topics presented in introductory astronomy courses.  It is clear that the HR diagram is a plot of actual observations – not something deduced from theory. So, any viable model of the workings of a star must be consistent with it.  Is the Electric Sun (ES) model of how a star is powered consistent with the HR diagram?  If it is not, then this would disprove the ES hypothesis.

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